22 April 2011

Survivor Redemption Island Episode 10

This blog post contains spoilers

I have not written about Survivor 22 (Redemption Island) in a long time mainly because I was on holidays. But now that I am back I have caught up with with the current Survivor season. In episode 10, Dave was eliminated from Redemption Island and Julie was voted off at tribal council into Redemption Island.

Basically the season started with two tribes, one tribe had Boston Rob on it and the other tribe has Russell on it. These two castaways are from previous Survivor episodes. Both these players are known for being very good players, although they have never actually won the million dollars. Rob got along well with his tribe but Russell did not get along well with his tribe. Russell's tribe actually threw a challenge just so they could vote him out, and then when they kept losing challenges thereafter, proceeded to vote off the women who had aligned themselves to him. As a result, Russell's tribe went into the merge with one man down and right now they are being picked off one after another by Rob's tribe.

With Russell gone, there really are no interesting players other than Rob and Phillip. Phillip is wacky former federal agent. His craziness and antagonism may actually help him because it provides an incentive for players to keep him till the end since nobody will vote for him. After Julie has been voted off and the tribe that was once Russell's tribe dwindles down to only two people, I think it is likely that these two will be voted off in the next two episodes and then Rob's alliance will start to cannibalise. It's difficult to know what will happen after that.

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