21 August 2016

Social Media vs Face to Face

During the daily commute, I see people on their phones in the train. When you hear people talk, they always lament about how people don’t talk to each other face-to-face anymore, that they are always on their phones.

I am always on my phone, but why is that? When I think about it, I think it’s because the phone is better than a human. For example, if you’re talk to a human, he might be too boring or too negative, and you may not feel comfortable telling him to change because maybe he is negative or boring by nature, or maybe he will be so offended by you trying to change him that he might lash out. This is how humans are. They are difficult to deal with. The smartphone, on the other hand, is completely obedient. Suppose you’re watching a YouTube video. If the YouTube video is boring or negative, just stop watching it! If the person who made that video keep producing bad content, then unsubscribe from his channel. Smartphones allow you to connect but they give you the ability to easily filter out the trash so that what you’re left with is high quality.

People often complain about how there is someone on Facebook who keeps posting about trivial things they do. For example, they go to the bathroom and then post a picture of their toothpaste! Whenever I hear someone say this, I always wonder why they don’t just block this person. Facebook has a block feature where you can stop a person’s posts from showing up. This is much better than real life interaction. Suppose you are at work and someone there keeps talking to you about what toothpaste he uses. Unless you want to get in trouble with HR or if you want to get fired, you can’t just “block” him and tell him to get out of your face. The person telling you about his toothpaste might be your manager or the CEO of the organization. Even outside of work, there is a pressure to be polite and to tolerate people’s stupidity. On social media there is no such thing. If someone annoys you, just block them.

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