08 September 2008

What I Didn't Learn at School But Wish I Had

I am reading Jamie McIntyre's book What I Didn't Learn at School But Which I Had. The man claims to have become a multi-millionaire in a few years. Of course I am highly skeptical of all his claims now that I have realized that he has received a slap on the wrist by ASIC. Nevertheless, his writing so far is fairly entertaining. He claims that when he was young he started his own business and got killed (not literally) doing so. He was $150,000 in debt. Then a rich mentor taught him how to become rich again. What surprises me is how similar this story is to Robert Kiyosaki's stories. What I can find in common are two things: (1) a disaster and (2) a mentor. Kiyosaki was a failure at school and when he started his own business he also failed. He had a rich dad and a poor dad and his rich dad acted like a mentor and taught him all he needed to know to be rich.

That being said, I would like to point out a strange inconsistency in McIntyre's book. On page 1 he says the following:

Unfortunately, now the standard of living for many Australians is dropping rapidly, despite our politicians trying to convince us otherwise. With all the wealth that still exists, why is it that so few Australians get to share in it? What is going on that limits us to sharing in only a fraction of this country’s wealth, and what can we do about it?

This suggests that it is all doom and gloom for most Australians, and we need to listen to wealth experts like him to save ourselves. However, on page 8 he claims the following:

In this country we are all incredibly wealthy. Do you think anyone in Australia in their right mind would want to trade places with someone in Bangladesh or Ethiopia? We have a tremendous amount of wealth already and I had to start to recognise that. In fact we already have everything we need to be successful. And that is a lot to be grateful for.

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