26 April 2016

How People React When You Travel Alone

I will be travelling alone to Bali next month. This is the first time I've traveled alone. Usually I travel with family, with friends, or with a girl. Usually when I travel with others, something goes wrong. I have a very crazy family that always erupts into arguments over minor issues. I have the same issue whenever I travel with a girl. As such, I look forward to travelling alone. I don't plan to do anything other than relax and do nothing. I might even spend time writing on my blog or writing an ebook. I don't intend to pose in front of tourist attractions because, to me, this looks like work -- hard work as well! I just want to relax and not do any work -- or at least not do any work that I don't like.

Ever since I have told everyone that I will go to Bali by myself, just about everyone has questioned my actions. When I tell my friends, they think it's weird that I am not traveling with a girl, and they think I am trying to smuggle drugs. My relatives think I am secretly dating a girl.

This is absolutely absurd. All this, in my opinions, shows how entrenched pair bonding is within our society, so much so that if you do something alone, you are seen as weird and crazy. My father even suggested to me that I should avoid Bali because it has a bad reputation for drugs, prostitution, etc. But I responded with my freedom rant, telling him that I will do what I want regardless of other people's opinions. Why should I be a slave to other people's opinions?

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